
Overview Events

calendar_month 8

In Kaag en Braassem they know how to organise a great event. The best events can be found on our calendar.

The Polder Tour

location_on Aannemers- en verhuurbedrijf T. de Boer, Veenderdijk 2a
calendar_month Van: 01-09-2024
Tot: 07-09-2025

The unique walking tour right across the green polder heart of Kaag & Braassem. 

Windmill Working Day

calendar_month Van: 07-09-2024
Tot: 07-12-2024

On the first Saturday of the month, you can see a windmill whose blades are rotating, then you know the miller is at work. On this day, he’s happy to make time for a chat and is pleased to tell you about his mill.

Orange Celebrations Roelofarendsveen

calendar_month Van: 13-09-2024
Tot: 22-09-2024

The funfair in Roelofarendsveen is one of the largest and most enjoyable parties in de region.

Living Heritage

calendar_month Van: 14-09-2024
Tot: 15-09-2024

This years’ theme ‘Living Heritage’ allows us to put our most important living heritage, the craftsmanship of miller, into the limelight. Literally, because their monuments - our mills – will be in the spotlight on the evening of 9 September. Additionally, is ‘a tour on the bike’ also something we pass down from one generation to another and perfectly suited for our surroundings, like a boat trip is too.


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