Sailing heritage in Oude Wetering
From 27-30 October 2024, the Wetering will turn into a Museum harbour. Historical ships, activities and commotion; there will be lots to see and to do.
Museum harbour in Oude Wetering
From 27-30 October 2024, the Wetering will turn into a Museum harbour. Historical ships, activities and commotion; there will be lots to see and to do.
The complete programme with activities can be found below.
Which ships are there?
- Motorsleepboot - Avanti
- Sleepboot - Bonaspes 2
- Westlander - De Pieter
- Luxe motorschip - De Tijd Leert Alles
- Voormalig veerpont GVB - IJveer VIII
- Sleper - Old Chap
- Bakdekkruiser/salonkruiser - Olivier
- Sleepboot - Pergo
- Sleper - V.I.O.D.
- Paling beunschip - Sander
- Zeeschouw - Zeekot
- Voormalig garnalenkotter - Lumara
- Politievaartuig - RP XIV
- Motorsleepboot - Harmonie
- Lemsteraak - Brandaris
- Motorvrachtschip - Isala
- Beurtmotorschip - Lastdrager
- Motorscheepje - Nieuwezorg
- Hasselteraak - Gerrigje
Left to right: Terra Nova, Gerrigje, Olivier, Tjoba, Willemijntje, Isala, IJveer, De tijd leert alles, Avanti, Bonaspes 2, De Wilhelmina RP17, Goede Verwachting, Antonie Willem, Furie, Heliades, Lastdrager, Lumara, Nieuwezorg, Old Chap, Dageraad (used to be Pax), Pergo, Pieter, Sander, Viod, Zeekot, Swift 3.
Left to right: Nooit volmaakt, Dankbaarheid

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